
Destronuments Board Game For Teenagers

Table of Contents

What is the problem?

Recently due to the covid 19 pandemic, the entire world is using technology in order to get work done. Both children and adults use their devices on a daily basis for work or school which can lead to addiction in the long run. Furthermore, because of the fact that most people are stuck at home due to lockdown, teenagers are forced to play video games and spend time on their devices in order to cure their boredom rather than interacting with others physically. Moreover, thanks to the rapid advancements in technology, people are getting hooked on video games because content consumed on the internet can be mood enhancing. This could cause something known as a gaming disorder which is essentially the obsessive and compulsive overuse of video games (TechTarget Contributor). To further back up this point, based on recent studies, roughly 8.4% of children and adolescents in the United States are addicted to online gaming which shows that this is a huge issue and must be solved immediately. 

gaming addiction

To add on, gaming addiction could definitely pose a threat to various aspects of our lives and could have negative impacts on our wellbeing. Firstly, excessive use of technology and video games limits face to face socialisation which could in turn lead to the deterioration of your mental and social well being thus causing issues such as depression, anxiety, and other chronic conditions which could be fatal (Grinspoon). Additionally, increased screen time could also have negative consequences in terms of health including disturbed sleep patterns, in terms of physical activities and also in terms of nutrition (World).

There isn’t a definite place where this problem is occurring because there are children and teenagers all around the world who face this issue of addiction to gaming. Based on research conducted in 2021, there are an estimated 3.24 billion gamers across the world which clearly portrays that this problem could certainly connect to a very large population. The South Korean government has also declared game addiction a public health crisis since more than 600,000 children suffer from it. Furthermore, Dr. Alok Kanojia states that the highest prevalence of video game addiction is found in Iran, accounting for approximately 22.8% (“Video Game Addiction Statistics 2021: Is the World Addicted to Video Games? | Healthy Gamer”). This data represents how there surely are times when gaming addiction is higher in some places as compared to other regions however, it is safe to say that people from around the world are facing this issue now more than ever before which calls for the urgent need to develop a solution. 

These numbers would certainly rise in the near future which is why it is essential to find a solution to this issue. In order to do so, I would create an interesting board game which would limit the use of technology due to the reasons mentioned previously. The target audience for this product would be children and teenagers between the ages of 8 to 18 because they are the ones that truly face this problem to a large extent. I haven’t targeted younger children below the age of 8 because there could be certain risks and hazards associated with a board game. Moreover, even though my product will be primarily intended for this particular age group, people that are older than this would also be able to play this game without facing any issues. 

There are multiple ways in which board games can be beneficial to my target audience in comparison to video games. Firstly, not spending excessive amounts of time playing video games would increase socialisation as you would probably be spending that time with friends and family. This would have a sudden impact on your social and emotional wellbeing. Additionally, solving this issue would allow you to stay away from physical and mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, obesity and other chronic illnesses. To add on, I have seen both my friends and I get addicted to video games which in turn have impacted our studies and social life. All these points in conjunction explain why I would like to solve this issue as it would benefit a large number of people and because our generation will play a huge role in the future.

Final drawings, diagrams and design

Isometric View:


Orthographic View:


Shapr3D Model:

3D model

Technical skills


Both drawing and measuring was a crucial part of making my game because I had to ultimately draw out all the pieces before cutting them out. Moreover, many components of my game required straight lines which was made possible through the use of the ruler. In this image, I am drawing out my board. For this step, not only did I utilise a pencil and a ruler, I also used a protractor to accurately measure the interior angles of a pentagon in order to draw out my board. The protractor is a tool which contains all angles up to 180° and using this allowed me to mark the points at 108° which is the interior angle of a pentagon. I was already acquainted with all the tools required in this particular skill because I had used these tools in past projects which made it a lot easier for me to complete drawing all my pieces. It is visible that in this image, I am holding the ruler with my hand which prevents it from shaking thus making all the lines a lot more accurate which is very important to maintain precision. 




Cutting was an extremely important part of the entire process of making the board game and multiple tools were used for different purposes. This was the first time I have used woodworking tools to cut MDF wood which was the material that I predominantly used in my product. Due to this, I was really excited to work on this project because it was nothing like what we had done in the past. At the same time, I was also nervous and overwhelmed after looking at all the tools we had access to. However, I watched various tutorials on YouTube and read multiple articles beforehand that made me a lot more comfortable to use all these tools.

Before starting to cut all the pieces of wood, I used a G-clamp which is used to hold the piece of wood into place and to avoid it from moving while the piece is cut.

Firstly, to cut out all the larger pieces of my board game such as the main board and the storage compartment, I used a tenon saw which has a large blade. In order to hold a tenon saw in a sturdy manner, it is fundamental to place your index finger on the handle so that it points towards the blade for support. After this, you are supposed to hold the saw at an angle and pull the saw towards your body with long strokes to use all the teeth of the blade.

Another tool I used was the junior hacksaw and its purpose was to cut smaller pieces of wood in a precise manner. A junior hacksaw was also used to fix certain mistakes and trim out the edges of a larger wooden piece. I didn’t use the junior hacksaw to cut out all the pieces because it has a very thin blade making it a lot slower as compared to the tenon saw. Having said this, the junior hacksaw is operated in the same way at the tenon saw. Moreover, I learnt that it is important to stand up while using any of these woodworking tools since it allows us to use all our body strength and is also a lot safer in comparison to cutting while sitting.

Furthermore, I used a band saw which is a power saw with a long and thin blade. I used this tool to make even more precise cuts and I chose this tool due to the fact that this machine is extremely fast and efficient. Even though the junior hacksaw was also used for a similar purpose, I used the band saw for extremely small pieces like the arrow of the spinner. I found the experience of using the band saw really fun because it was something new and was quite easy to use. Unlike all the other tools that were used to create this product, to use this tool, all I had to do was move the piece of wood towards the blade in a slow manner.

To add on, I also used a coping saw which is a C shaped tool and a narrow blade. I used this because unlike the other saws, the coping saw has a unique shape which allows us to cut within the piece of wood without cutting all the other edges of the wood. I used this tool to cut out the general shape of my spinner which made it very easy because I wouldn’t be able to cut a circle out using a tenon saw or any other piece of equipment. To use a coping saw, we have to firmly hold the handle as well as the top of the saw and then move it up and down in a smooth motion.

Lastly, I also used a scissor to cut out all the pieces of cardboard for the monuments as well as the currency in the game. This was the only tool that I had already used in the past because of which I was easily able to complete this step without any issues.




Filing is when you smoothen out the edges and this is fundamental in order to make my game safe for my target audience because sharp points could hurt children.

As mentioned previously, I used a coping saw to create a rough version of my spinner which had many edges that I later smoothened out using a grinding machine. A grinding machine is a power tool that contains an abrasive wheel which trims off pieces of the wood making it quite smooth.

Moreover, I have also used a flat file numerous times during the entire project to smoothen out the edges of my game. In order to use a file, first we have to hold the handle of the wood file with one hand and place your index finger on the file for extra support. Then, we must work along the grain at an angle using constant down pressure to ensure an even finish throughout.



To make my playing pieces, I used clay modelling which was a really unique experience. The clay we used was a quick dry ceramic clay which didn’t require any heating process in order to solidify completely. I had done pottery in the past which made it slightly easier for me to work with this clay, however, those two are quite different from one another which is why I did face some issues. I found this clay to be extremely messy and I also noticed that it would start drying up a little if I didn’t warm it up with my hands. This made the clay a little crumbly to use due to which I would need to repeat that step once again. Having said this, I learnt that I have to work fast with this clay in order to make all my playing pieces in a smooth manner.




Painting was also a major part of the design process because I had to add colour to my game in order to attract my target audience. I used 2 types of paints to colour my board game and the additional pieces within it.

Firstly, I used acrylic paint to colour all the pieces of wood as well as my playing pieces because acrylic paint is quite thick which would help create an even layer of bright paint. Acrylic colours would also last for a longer period of time on wood as compared to any other medium. To paint the bigger pieces of wood, I used a large flat brush to cover more surface area and get the work done a lot faster.

I also used watercolours to paint my money tokens because water colour is a lot lighter than acrylic and all I needed was a light shade of paint on the money to ensure that the number values are visible. The technique to apply paint is to make long and even strokes in order to make sure that there aren’t any uneven patches of colour.




Sticking and gluing was another crucial skill that I demonstrated throughout the course of making my game. Based on different requirements and surfaces, I used different types of glues.

Firstly, to stick all the pieces of wood together, I used a hot glue gun which is a tool that melts the glue sticks and then sets onto the wood in a sturdy manner. I also had access to wood glue in order to stick the pieces of wood together, however, I used a hot glue gun because it was relatively neat and I had also used it in the past which made me familiar with the technique to use this tool. Another reason why I used the hot glue gun over the wood glue, was because the wood glue would take a lot more time to set in place and I needed to work faster in order to complete my game based on my plan created before.

Having said this, I noticed that the glue gun didn’t stick very well to 2 pieces of wood due to the smooth surfaces because of which I also had to use feviquick in some small areas. Furthermore, I used a fevistick while creating the cards because I had to stick 2 pieces of paper onto one another and using a hot glue gun would leave an imprint onto the paper which wouldn’t look aesthetically appealing. Lastly, I used fevicol to stick large pieces of paper onto wood and cardboard because firstly, it is a lot more effective as compared to a fevistick, and secondly, the marks of fevicol aren’t prominent on those materials.



Final Board Game






Changes made to the design

(1): Originally, I had planned to make my monuments completely 3 dimensional with multiple faces using the laser cutter. However, I had to make all of those pieces using cardboard instead because the laser cutter wasn’t functional for a while. I was planning to use wood to create the monuments which would make the pieces feel a lot more premium and authentic unlike the monuments I had to make which did feel slightly cheap in my opinion. Originally, I had also planned to add the pricing of each monument on the board itself, but because I had space on the back side of each property, I was able to add the cost using the right colour scheme of the game.

(2): The idea of the catapult was similar in both my final product and in my final design, however, there were a few minor changes I had to make. Firstly, I changed the colour scheme of the catapult and used brown, black and red however, in my design, I only used red and brown. Another small change I made was that in the design, the pillars of the catapult were curved and were joined with the side walls of the catapult. This was something I removed in the final catapult because of an error in measurements. Lastly, I also increased the dimensions of the final catapult because the measurements in the design were quite small.

(3): In the design, I planned to make the centre of the board predominantly brown with a few patches of green to give the effect of mud in a battle field; however, I changed that to a camouflage in my final game. This was because a camouflage colour scheme would match more with the theme of warfare because that is what is used in the military. Moreover, instead of colouring the sides of the game with orange like how I planned, I used a red camouflage which would match with the green camouflage in the centre and would also provide contrast at the same time. On top of this, I also added a thin strip of black on the edges of the game to add more finishing.

(4): Originally, I had planned to create my chance cards out of cardstock paper, however that wasn’t available due to which, I decided to make it out of normal paper. However, after creating the cards, I realised that the cards didn’t feel authentic and weren’t as durable as I hoped which is why I laminated them. I am extremely happy with the result because now the cards are quite durable and don’t feel as cheap. Having said this, in the process I ended up using plastic in my game which I shouldn’t have based on my design specifications.

(5): In my original design, I wanted to make my playing pieces quite plain and simple, similar to the Ludo pieces. However, based on some feedback I received from my friends and family, I decided to make my playing pieces in such a way that they match with the theme of the game. Because of this, I ended up creating playing pieces that resonate with a helmet of a soldier with horns. 

(6): Even though I created money in the form of tokens in my game as planned initially, I did make certain changes to the design of it due to the given circumstances. Earlier, I was planning to create my money tokens out of plastic or wood and I would do that using the laser cutter. However, as mentioned previously, the laser cutter wasn’t functional which is why I had to create my tokens out of cardboard. This certainly did work, but it didn’t provide the same effect as wood or plastic wood.

How could my game be improved

edited design
Edited Design With Changes Made


There are various things that could be done in order to improve my board game. Firstly, I noticed that when the monuments were placed on the board, they ended up falling multiple times due to wind or because someone’s hand might have hit it which was an inconvenience because then I had to place the monument back to its place repeatedly. To avoid this issue, I can add a layer of magnetic sheet around the board in their respective places along with a magnet on the base of each monument. With the use of magnets, the monuments would be a lot more stable throughout the game and would be able to resist slight pressure which would remove this problem altogether. Moreover, I could also add a slider to the top of the storage container, however, this isn’t a necessity. This would be useful as it would prevent the pieces from falling out of the container because currently, the storage compartment doesn’t have a top piece. This would make it very convenient for the player because then they will easily be able to carry the board game around without worrying about the pieces getting misplaced. Furthermore, even though most of the edges of my board game were clean and smooth, there were a few parts that I could have filed out better in order to make it more safe for the players. To add on, my board game was well finished throughout, but I did make a few cuts in the pieces of wood that weren’t too straight which can affect the looks of my game and so this is something I can work on. Furthermore, originally I had planned to create all my money using wooden or plastic tokens which would give a premium feel to the board game. However, I was unable to do this because the laser cutter wasn’t functional for a while. Due to this, I had to create the money out of cardboard which felt cheap and is something I could change in my game to improve ergonomics and aesthetics at the same time. Similarly, I had also planned to create all the monuments out of wood or plastic by using the laser cutter, but I again had to resort to using cardboard. This made the monuments feel quite cheap and wasn’t the feel I was going for initially. Moreover, the use of cardboard to create my monuments also had other disadvantages because it was quite fragile and flimsy making it subject to damage. This was another issue I encountered because I noticed that the corners of some of the monuments were getting damaged, and the base of a few monuments were coming off at times. Another thing that I can do to improve the quality of my game is by using cardstock to create my chance cards instead of laminating paper. This is because one of my design specifications states that I must use sustainable materials to create my game, however the plastic that is used to laminate isn’t eco-friendly. Even though I am quite happy with the quality of the cards I created, the use of cardstock would also make the cards more authentic because this is also used in many popular board games such as Monopoly. Another change I can make is in the rules of my game and not the game itself. This idea was suggested to me by one of my classmates who stated that I should add a rule in which a player will be able to sell or auction one of their properties if they don’t have any money. While playing the game, I also noticed that it was getting slightly cramped for 4 people to play the game because the board was slightly small which was also something pointed to me by one of my classmates. To solve this issue, I can simply increase the size of my board from 24 cm on each side, to 27 cm on each side which would still match with my design specifications and make it more convenient to play at the same time. Another thing that I can change in my game is by adding more obstacles and punishments in my chance cards which because currently, all of them are positive. Lastly, I also noticed that it was slightly challenging at times for my classmates to use the catapult to destroy the towers since they didn’t know how to operate it. To avoid this issue, I believe that I can create a cannon which would be a lot easier for the players to use instead of creating a catapult which might affect their experience due to its unpredictable angles. On the contrary, a cannon would allow the players to adjust the angle according to their desire thus making it easier to operate. 

Impact of my game

I feel that my product is highly successful and would extremely be beneficial to my target audience who are children between the ages of 8 to 18 because they usually play video games to a large extent and are often the ones that face the issue of gaming addiction. Based on the research I conducted in the past, I learnt that gaming addiction could impact our lives in multiple ways by reducing soalicalisation, affecting emotional development, affecting academic success and more. After interviewing 6 people between this age group, and 2 people of a higher age, I have come to the conclusion that my game has many advantages thus creating a positive impact on their lives. Firstly, all of the respondents stated that my game was highly engaging and entertaining to play which is crucial in order to attract them and keep them hooked for a longer period of time. This point is backed up by one of the respondents who stated that my game takes a “good amount of time to finish” due to which he was engaged till the end and didn’t want to leave in the middle. This represents how my board game would be a good substitution for video games even though it requires a few more modifications which was another point mentioned in the survey I conducted. Moreover, one of the respondents stated that this game increases socialisation because it helps 3-4 people to bond and spend time together for a longer period of time. Similarly, another person said that my “board game is involving and fun” and that “many people would prefer to play this game rather than spend time online” which was the main goal of this project. Not only does my game benefit teenagers under the age of 18, it also increases socialisation between family members even at an older age. I played my game with both my parents even though they weren’t my target audience, after which I interviewed them too to get their input as well. My mother stated that my game brings family and friends together in an offline medium due to the fact that it is an innovative idea and so people of all ages will definitely find it fun to play. Furthermore, my father said that my board game is a good alternative to video games and is also an ideal family game for fun and bonding. This comes to show that my game helps people of all ages to socialise and overcome the issue of gaming addiction which is a serious problem in today’s world. Furthermore, I have made my game extremely easy to play which is clear because all 8 people who played my game, stated that firstly the game was easy to play, and the instructions were easy to understand for the most part which is what I wanted. This is very important for my target audience because my game shouldn’t be too tough for children and teenagers.



My Experience and Learnings

At the start of this process of creating the product, I was extremely nervous because it was something completely new that I had never done in the past. I had never created anything out of wood and also didn’t use woodworking tools which is why I was slightly scared because I believed that the tools were highly dangerous to use. I also didn’t know the names of most of the woodworking tools such as the tenon saw, the bandsaw, the junior hacksaw, the coping saw and many more which I do know now after using them to create my game. Towards the start of the project, I spent a lot of time on cutting out the pieces because I had no previous experience and I didn’t want to make any mistakes. However, as I worked on this project for multiple days, I got the hang of all the tools and eventually became quite confident. Now I am also very excited to work with woodworking tools because this experience has been highly interesting and engaging for me. Throughout this process, I also developed various skills which would help me in the future with respect to woodworking and other things as well. Out of these skills, I think I have worked a lot on my time management skills because firstly, I had to create an action plan which was used to organise the work I was supposed to do for each day. While creating my game, I also worked on my thinking skills because I had to come up with a unique game idea that is both fun and easy to play for my target audience. Moreover, I had to create a functional catapult as well as a spinner in which I had to come up with a smooth mechanism. Lastly, I developed research skills because before creating the product, I did both primary and secondary research to gather information with respect to the fundamental aspects of a board game such as the duration, the aesthetics, the materials needed along with the accurate size. I had to keep these things in mind while creating my board game because I had to make sure that it pleases my target audience which is needed in order to make an impact in their lives. Thanks to this project, I developed the ability to create things out of wood which can help me in the future in case I would like to pursue engineering. I also faced multiple challenges throughout and managed to overcome those obstacles on time. One of the major obstacles was the fact that the laser cutter wasn’t working due to which I had to use cardboard to create the monuments as well as the money tokens which was extremely time consuming. Another issue I faced was that I had made incorrect measurements for the catapult which is why I had to remake a few pieces and I also had to drill the holes again because of an error which also consumed a lot of time. Furthermore, designing the board on Canva was one of the hardest parts of the process because I had to take accurate measurements in real life and transform them onto a digital platform which could have gone wrong at any time. However, even though I tried my best to get accurate measurements, the board design was slightly smaller than the real board which is why I had to cover the empty space on the edges of the board with black paint.

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